Thursday, December 4, 2008

Teeter-Totter & Twitter

We are officially in private beta in just a few short weeks! As a result, I have had precious little time to contribute to this blog. As a counter-balance, I thought I'd share some of my recent tweets:

  1. To stay relevant, schools need to keep pace with the rapid changes introduced by Digital Media MacArthur 3yr Study

  2. Banning fast food ads from youth TV programs could result in 18% less of overweight children in the U.S.

  3. 25 young social entrepreneurs around the globe receive grants $300,000+ from Starbucks Foundation

  4. Spell it correctly and raise money for your school! Gr8 challenge for kids grades 3-thru-8. Deadline 12/19!

  5. No surprise to see the humanization of brands because people love brands that show more of a human side.

  6. 87% of online community are participating in social causes that are new to them 2008 Digital Future Project (USC)

  7. "Dedication + Knowledge = Success" New ad campaign to counteract the anti-education messages in media.

  8. "Causism will replace consumerism” Micro-trends for 2009 show that cause marketing will be more prominent.

  9. 68% of K-12 schools offer community service opp'tys Youth who volunteer now are more civic-minded as adults

  10. Free play fosters abstract thinking! w/out it America's youth will be at a disadvantage in the global economy
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1 comment:

Palymama said...

So glad to find you! I write about teens and the fun and challenges associated with that life. Thanks for re-tweeting my recent post about teenage jobs!